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A member registered Dec 11, 2022

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im just burn the house down

fucking Karens, enjoy the pirated playtest instead of complaining it exists.

how do i know you a developer?

ik the pic from hyperbox the wetwork pic was over 2 mb

The staple gun is ready

womp womp ill take it down if they want me to

you better upload an update or you gon be sore lil bro (Not fighting)

A thing that would make the game feel more finished is if that soldier guy would be able to be killed and with have a simple blood decal and a ragdoll that has a correct physics system, so it doesn't noclip with itself. maybe in later development you could at gibs such as an exploded head and dismemberment and possible Active/Euphoria ragdoll to give a more realistic feeling.

I feel like if you added IK hands this would be a masterpiece.

this game is never getting an update or maybe it's getting a BIG one

look at the fucking control panel infront of you in the FUCKING TOWN LEVEL YOU BLIND PEICE OF SHIT


But he's technically right